500 Restful Words

...Written by Elder, Billy Schaffner, for the Summer Edition of OSC Comet

I do love summer. It's about the only time I will give myself permission to take a long rest from the busyness of life. I think God ordained it. Each season has a different feel and purpose. Summer is clearly a time for rest. I imagine farmers have always been grateful for the time off after the hurried planting season and appreciate the chance to catch their breath before the sudden rush to harvest.
I've not raised much in the way of crops, but I've seen quite a few children rise from the floor around my feet and have known the blessed relief of "school's out for summer" for over four decades (If you put music to those quoted words, you just dated yourself and at one point in the seventies were surprised to discover that Alice could be a man's name,). But why does school start back in early August? Going back the day after Labor Day sure made the summer seem longer. Sorry, I digress (But Pastor Steven did say five hundred words.). So where is the spiritual encouragement this article is supposed to inspire? It's right there in word number forty-four.
You can count from the beginning, or you can take a clue from these scriptures:
  • Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.
  • Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and...
He rested. I don't know about you, but I could sure use a rest. Rest for my body. Rest for my brain. Rest from all the things that demand my attention and action. Just for a little while. I know I have the hope of eternal rest, but I could use a breather just now. And God said: "Take five." Well, what he actually said was, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."
I'm pretty sure Pastor Steven or even that young upstart brother of his could give us a full dissertation on those four little letters, but even without that, there is just something beautiful about the word; not just sleep, not just time off, not simply quiescence, idleness, or motionless. Rest. As only God can give it. Rest that comes with peace that passes understanding. Rest that comes with the knowledge that God holds you in the very palm of his hand. Love everlasting. A lot of weight for four letters to carry. 
So I'm going to take some time this summer to be still. And know. To set the world aside and pick up my Bible in the quietness that God ordained and just rest in His promises. His life. His sufficiency. His goodness. His sovereignty. His love. Every good thing you know comes from Him. Be anxious for nothing. I'm going to take some quiet walks in the woods and commune, not just creation, but with the Creator himself. Because he said I should. And I can. Rest. Five. Hundred. Words.


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